Monday, November 22, 2010

2nd Specialist appointment.

Tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us. Since we have been informed of our baby's omphalocele we have yet to meet with a specialist. Its been a long 5 weeks but we've made it .We will be meeting with our Specialist to get a feel of what to expect for us and our child. Our appointment is at 9:30 we will be doing a High Def ultrasound followed by a Echo Cardiogram to take a good look at the baby's heart. After the ultrasound we should be doing an Amniocentesis which will determine if  there is any other abnormalities with our baby. We will also be able to find out if we are having a boy or a girl! At this point I am pretty calm and at peace. I owe it all to my faith in the Lord. I know he has a plan for us no matter how scary it might be. I just pray through our experience we might be able to encourage others that might be faced with something similar. Andy and I have grown so much these past 20 weeks it unbelievable. I am truly blessed to have him by my side and know he will be a great father. I will keep everyone updated as soon as we know something about our little one.  On a good note we will be able to stop calling the baby an "It".  We'll either have a Claire or Jackson tomorrow. At this point our bets are on Claire. I guess we'll see !!!